ihung works hard to bring safe and clean suspensions and rituals to the world. We’ve been actively involved in the suspension community since July 2001 and really became heavily involved in 2002. Our members are continually learning about the technical and personal sides of suspensions/ritualism, and pride ourselves on being the very best we can. We’ve traveled North America to work with many different suspension groups in order to push our knowledge and further the sense of community.
Our mission statement:
ihung consists of individuals who believe that it is our calling, as modern practitioners of ancient rituals, to find a balance between reverence and respect for the past and the latest techniques in order to provide safe, clean, positive and meaningful experiences.
To contact ihung, send an email to crew (at) ihung dot org or if you have pictures/videos you want us to have, email them to experiences (at) ihung dot org.
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I have always had an interest in suspensions and other tribal rites of passage. would love to learn more about both. Have always wanted to try a suspension. just need some help