Support the Arts!
As Hook Life has already covered, Wings of Desire are celebrating their 10 year anniversary by crowd funding a photography book documenting their first 10 years. It’s up to us, the suspension community, to make certain that this happens as it’s immensely important that our world is documented in a variety of ways, and like Allen mentioned, there hasn’t been a book like this since Stelarc‘s Obsolete Body: Suspension, and I can think of no group to better represent the modern community than WoD.
If you are interested in suspension, photography, subculture history, art in general, or just want to support some amazing artists and performers, pre-order a copy of their book!

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[…] by jason Apr 18 2012 TrackBack Address. While doing a little light reading about Stelarc for my last post, I re-read a lot of his views on suspension and the body. I can’t recommend reading his […]